by Hearing Aids | Dec 1, 2012 | Denver Hearing Aids, Hearing Aids Denver, Starkey Hearing Aids
Starkey Hearing Aids – AMP: Starkey is much more than the hearing aids we produce. Starkey is an experience. One that doesn’t merely promise more, but delivers more: more communication, more participation, and more opportunities to do what you love to do....
by Hearing Aids | Jun 14, 2012 | Denver Hearing Aids, digital hearing aid, Hard of hearing, Hearings Aids, Lifestyle, Oticon, Oticon Agile
What one Oticon Agil User says about New Beginnings . . . New Challenges . . . Happy Endings Hearing the sweet sounds that matter most. I probably have had a problem with my hearing for a while but didn’t really recognize it as a problem until my daughter,...
by Hearing Aids | Jul 25, 2011 | child safety, Health and Hearing, Hearing Loss, hearing loss and child safety, Hearings Aids, Public Service Announcement, Unitron Hearing Aids
Finally! Your long-awaited romantic weekend getaway with your spouse is near. Reservations confirmed? Check. Dancing shoes packed? Check. Babysitter lined up? Check. Grandma and Grandpa, who better? Better recheck that babysitter before you head out the door. Before...
by Hearing Aids | Jul 19, 2011 | Denver Hearing Aids, hear better in noisy conditions, Life Experience
You Can Hear Better in Noisy Conditions Hearing in noisy places can be difficult even for people who have normal hearing. But for people who have a hearing problem, hearing in noise is very difficult. The background noise can “drown out” what you want to hear. There...
by Hearing Aids | Mar 4, 2011 | Denver Hearing Aids, Siemens hearing aids
DENVER CO, March 5, 2011 – The professional staff with DENVER HEARING AIDS in Denver CO, recently completed BestSound™ Technology training hosted by Siemens Hearing Instruments, Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of hearing aids. Held at...