We offer comprehensive hearing evaluations specifically designed for hearing instruments.
Hearing Aids
Digital Hearing Aids and Hearing Assistance Systems
- Computer programmable for best prescriptive fittings
- Speech enhancement technologies
- Fully automatic making use easy
- Easy telephone use
- Multiple bands and channels for fine tuning for greater clarity, comfort, and hearing
- Range of models and sizes
- All sizes, Custom products include CICs, Half Shells, Canal
- RITEs, RICs, Open Ear, Open Canal
We also do repairs for all makes of hearing aids.
And we provide Custom Ear molds with highly efficient ear pieces that bring new levels of comfort for:
- TV personalities
- Professional musicians
- Pilots
- Physicians
- Audiophiles
- Swimmers
- Noise protection
We proudly offer the following reputable brands of Hearing aids:
Hearing aid Manufacturer List:
- Oticon
- Siemens
- Resound
- Unitron
- Phonak
- Rexton
- Widex