by Hearing Aids | Nov 21, 2013 | Denver Hearing Aids, Free Hearing Check, Hearing Test
We have Inexpensive Hearing Aids in Denver! Better hearing doesn’t have to be expensive. It starts with a Free Hearing Test. Our free screening hearing check* using a range of tests designed specifically to ensure the best success in selecting your hearing aid....
by Hearing Aids | Nov 1, 2012 | Denver Hearing Aids, Free Hearing Check, Hearing Aid Counseling, Hearing Aid Education, Hearing Aids Denver, Hearing Loss, hearing loss and child safety
Hearing loss. Pitch and tuning fork. Research suggests that perfect pitch may have as much to do with genetics as it does with learning an instrument or studying voice. Click for info on Hearing Aid Counseling and Hearing Education ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) People...
by Hearing Aids | Jun 20, 2012 | Denver Hearing Aids, Free Hearing Check, Life Experience
Hearing aids are not a “cure all” for hearing loss. They are only a part of a longer term rehabilitation process. The rehabilitation process includes the following: Education: With your hearing test you should receive information about your hearing loss, which may...
by Hearing Aids | Nov 28, 2011 | Denver Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
Hearing loss due to aging, (called presbycusis) develops very slowly. It develops so slowly that most people don’t recognize that they have a hearing loss. They usually deny that there is a hearing loss. However, their spouse, family or friends may be very aware that...
by Hearing Aids | Jul 14, 2011 | digital hearing aid, Free Hearing Check, Hearing Loss, Life Experience
Hearing loss rate in older adults climbs to more than 60% in national survey Nearly two-thirds of Americans age 70 and older have hearing loss according to a new study led by Johns Hopkins and National Institute on Aging researchers. These findings, published online...