by Hearing Aids | Jun 23, 2011 | Denver Hearing Aids, digital hearing aid, Experience Hearing Video, Free Hearing Check, Health and Hearing, Hearing Loss Video, in the ear, Life Experience
Vanderbilt doctors are using digital technology and sound equalizers to help those who can’t hear well. Some new digital hearing aids don’t cover the ear canal — many patients are fitted with open ear hearing aids that leverage sound technologies for...
by Hearing Aids | May 20, 2011 | Hearing Aids Denver, Hearing Loss Video, Life Experience
This is a great video on the reality of the problems that occur as a hearing loss develops. Hearing loss isolates us from the people we love in our lives. The hearing problems separates our little daily interactions that support and encourage our relationships. For...
by Hearing Aids | Dec 9, 2010 | Hearing Aid Video, Hearing Aids Denver, Hearing Loss
Siemens Pure — It hides. You shine. Thanks to the nearly invisible, completely discreet Siemens Pure you will find yourself often in the spotlight. But not your hearing loss. Its tiny size hides revolutionary Siemens BestSound Technology – for unrivaled speech...